What is Healing from Healing?

Healing from Healing aims to ground healing, wellness and personal growth within a down-to-earth, mutually responsible and relational framework that acknowledges the interdependent nature of Being. The fertile soil that nurtures our interdisciplinary approach draws from philosophy, art, humour, science, the humanities and the Mystery, maintaining a light-hearted and level-headed agnosticism that respects and acknowledges the spiritual dimensions of life while promoting pragmatism, skepticism, epistemic humility and intellectual honesty. 

As keen observers and communicators of the human experience on our own healing journey, we hope to illuminate the many pitfalls and traps we might find along the way, particularly the myriad of disorienting and counterproductive cognitive and logical biases, deep-seated prejudices, unexamined belief systems, spiritual or existential bypasses and the ubiquitous appeal to magical, religious or dogmatic thinking underlying much of current Healing Culture. 

These include themes of Conspirituality, New Age fantasy, bad epistemic hygiene, scientific illiteracy, pseudo-science and pop-psychology, aspirational wellness consumerism, medical libertarianism, yoga and tantra kitsch, orientalism, colonial and romanticized approaches to plant medicines and indigenous wisdom, psychedelic hype, cult dynamics and the idealization of hyper-individualism and narcissism that permeates the self-improvement and personal-development scenes.