Would you like to be featured on Healing from Healing?
Do you have a story to tell?
We are looking for people who would want to share their deeply personal, sacred healing from healing journey—whether you escaped from a human development cult, completed and integrated your egomaniac Psychedelic Messiah phase, got swindled one too many times by your Goddess sisters in some quantum water abundance circle or managed to claw your way back to consensus reality from the depths of some conspiracy rabbit hole, come share your journey with us.
Think about this way…
What would you have wanted your younger, wellness obsessed self to hear? What integration tips would you like to offer that inexperienced and highly impressionable psychonaut about to trip over the magnetic allure of unearned wisdom? Now that you’ve felt your feelings, drank the kale smoothie, processed your trauma, sunned your butthole, did your 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh and lived to tell the tale, come be a good ancestor and share your hard earned wisdom with the world.
share your story!
Please leave your full name, contact info, and a pitch describing why you think your story would be a good fit – remember, sincere irony goes a long way: extra points if its really funny, and extra-extra points for the deeply human, wholesome, relatable and hopeful side of things.